Self-creation of shifts

If employees are allowed to create their own shifts, they can create them from the Shift screen.

You first create your shift, then you go through the process of checking in and out on the days you come to work.
Note1: Whether or not self-creation of shifts is allowed depends on company regulations. When "Employees can enter shift: On" is selected, employees can create their own shifts.
Note2: If you use "Team common check in/out page," you must log in with your own account before self-creating a shift on the screen that appears.

<Partial change of creation method>
With the July 29, 2024 release, some changes were made to the way shifts are self-created.
Prior to the release, it was possible to create shifts "from the timesheet screen" and "from the dashboard screen (today only)", but after the release date, it is no longer possible. After the release date, it is no longer possible to create shifts from the "Shift screen" only.

Create shift

① Click EMPLOYEES [Timesheets/shifts].

② Click "Shift".
③ Specify the month in which the shift is to be created.
④ Select the shift to be set.
⑤ Click the day for which you want to set the shift selected in ④.
⑥ The shift you created in ⑤ will appear on that day.
If you want to set the same shift for a different day, continue and click on that day.
Note: If you want to specify a different shift time on a different day, select a different shift in ④ and then click on the date.

<"Shift" on the timesheet screen>
From the timesheet screen, click on the "Shift" column of the day for which you wish to create a shift, which will take you to the shift screen.
From the Shift screen, follow the same procedure as above to create a shift.

Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.

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