You can view your payslips for each month from the "Payslips" menu in Workcloud.
You can also download your payslips in PDF format.
View your payslips from the "Payslips" menu
Download payslips in PDF
Download the tax certificate
■Download on PC
■Download on your smartphone
View your payslips from the "Payslips" menu
After logging into Workcloud, click on "Payslips".
The most recent payslips are displayed by default on the right side of the screen.
Download payslips in PDF
If payslips notification email has been sent to you
If payslips notification email has not been sent to you
If payslips notification email has been sent to you
When your payslip is published, you will receive a notification email at your Workcloud registered email address.
To download the payslips in PDF format, please follow the steps below.
① After logging into Workcloud, click on "View payslip online" in the email you received.
*If you are not logged in, the login screen will open.
② The payslips screen will open in a new tab.
③ Click "Download."
④ It will be downloaded as a PDF file.
Attach payslip PDF to payslip notification emails
Checking this box will also attach the payslip PDF to future payslip notification emails.
Place a ✓ in the ▢ to the left of "Send PDF in payslip email notice."
You check the box and you will see the "Settings updated" message.
A PDF file of your payslip will be attached to your notification email.
*The attachment will be displayed differently depending on the registered email address.
If payslips notification email has not been sent to you
After you have logged into Workcloud, click on EMPLOYEES "Payslips" and download the payslips in the same way as described above under "If payslips notification email has been sent to you".
Download the tax certificate
If you need a salary certificate for any reason, follow the instructions below to download it.
The published date depends on your company's setting.
■Download on PC
■Download on your smartphone
■Download on PC
① Click EMPLOYEES "Payslips".
② Click "Tax certificates".
③ Click "Download Kou tax certificate".
■Download on your smartphone
①Click on "Payslips".
②Click on the "V" mark.
③Click on "Tax certificates".
④Click the blue cloud icon.
*The name displayed will differ depending on the tax category.
Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.