Register for business trip allowances

Please follow the steps below to register business trip allowance.

Ⅰ. Register a position title to be tied to the business trip allowance
Ⅱ. Tie the position title to the target employee
Ⅲ. Register the amount of business trip allowance
Ⅳ. Business trip allowance requests [Operation on the Employee's side]

【Period during which business trip allowance tax settings cannot be changed and amounts cannot be registered】

. Register a position title to be tied to the business trip allowance

Note: If the position title to be used has already been registered, this step is not necessary. Please proceed to II.

Click ADMINS [Company settings].
Click on "Payroll" - "Business trip allowances".

In "Business trip allowance taxable?", you set whether the business trip allowance is taxable or non-taxable.
Specify "Yes" for taxable and "No" for non-taxable.

Click on "Add more titles". Go to the "Company settings > HR > Titles" screen.

Click on "Add new title".

⑥ Enter the position title to be tied to the business trip allowance in the "Team member title" field.
⑦ Click "Save."

⑧ The name will appear in the "Available titles" section.
* If you have not yet registered employees for the position title you created, you can delete that title by clicking the "X" on the far right.


. Tie the position title to the target employee

Note: If a position title has already been registered for the target employee, this step is not necessary. Please proceed to III.

Click on "Set employee titles." Go to the "Teams & organization" screen.

Click on the name of the team to which the target employee belongs.
Click on "No title" for the target employee.

Select a position title other than "No title (Use only custom title)".
Click "Save."

The message "Changed title for employee" will appear at the top of the screen.

⑦ The title you set will appear under the employee's name.


. Register the amount of business trip allowance

Note: If the amount of the business trip allowance has already been registered, this step is not necessary. Please proceed to IV.

Click ADMINS [Company settings].
Click on "Payroll" - "Business trip allowances".

Enter the amount of "Domestic allowance" and "Overseas allowance" directly for each position title and press Enter to save.


. Business trip allowance requests [Operation on the Employee's side]

On the Timesheet screen, in the Business trip date row, specify "Domestic" or "Overseas" in the "Biz trip" column.

A message will appear at the top of the screen saying, "Domestic business trip set.

Business trip allowances are automatically recorded in the payroll.


【Period during which business trip allowance tax settings cannot be changed and amounts cannot be registered】

*Periods that can be set for Ⅰ(Business trip allowance taxable?) and Ⅲ

The system is locked so that no changes related to payroll can be made from the time we start calculating payroll until the payslips are published.
During this period, no changes or settings can be made.
After the payslips are published, you may make any changes or settings you wish.


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