For the fixed income tax reduction(所得税の定額減税) scheduled to take effect in June 2024, all spouses are required to be determined if they are eligible for the tax reduction in Workcloud (Only those whose information is registered in Workcloud are eligible).
Based on the registration information as of Tuesday, May 7, 2024, the confirmation banner below picture will be displayed to those whose spouses are registered on Workcloud.
This banner will be displayed only to those who log in to Workcloud after Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
After you have confirmed and registered via the link, the banner will be hidden, but will remain visible until Friday, May 31, 2024, as long as you have not completed your registration.
If you see the banner, please follow the steps below to register.
About the “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”
If you have not yet registered a spouse on Workcloud's Family Master, and you wish to register a new “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”.(Only for companies using ESS function)
Registration procedure
Registration procedure
① Click on the "Click here for details and to confirm whether your spouse qualifies." shown in the banner.
② Select “Yes” if your spouse is eligible for “Is this spouse a member of the same household?” or “No” if your spouse is not eligible for “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”.
③ Click “Save”.
④Once you have completed your registration, you will be redirected to the "Family members" screen as shown above.
There, your registration details will be displayed in the "Is this spouse a member of the same household" section.
If the registration for “Is this spouse a member of the same household?” is made from the link in the banner, the registration will be made immediately without the need for administrator approval.
<If you need to make changes after registration>
If you need to change your registration after you have registered for “Is this spouse a member of the same household?” from the link shown in the banner, please contact your HR separately.
About the “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”
A. If you choose ‘Yes’ for ‘Is this spouse a member of the same household?’
→The estimated annual base income of your spouse should be 480,000JPY or less, and your spouse should be living in Japan.
(If annual base income of yourself is above 9M JPY, your spouse is not eligible for your normal tax dependent spouse deduction, however is eligible for this special tax reduction.)
B. If you chose ‘No’ for ‘Is this spouse a member of the same household?’
→The estimated annual base income of your spouse should be above 480,000JPY, and your spouse should be living outside of Japan.
(from National Tax Agency website)
Other Notes:
*Please note that the image of Workcloud is under development and the content may differ in the final release version.
*If the spouse’s income is estimated to be 480,000JPY or less as of 1 Jun 2024 but turned out to exceed 480,000JPY by the end of the year, the income tax will be adjusted at Year-end Tax Adjustment or by personal tax filing.
*Workcloud HR Admins do not need to approve the registration of spouse who is a member of the same household.
*If you have any questions about the process in Workcloud, please contact your HR, so that they can forward your questions to our Payroll Specialists.
If you have not yet registered a spouse on Workcloud's Family Master, and you wish to register a new “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”.(Only for companies using ESS function)
We need to determine “Is this spouse a member of the same household?” for the fixed income tax reduction.
For this purpose, when you register your spouse in the Family Master using the normal procedure, you will also register the newly added “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”.
In this case, the administrator's approval is required as in the normal family registration procedure.
Registration procedure
① Click “My Profile”.
② Click “Family members” under “Personal related”.
③ Click “Submit a new family member”.
④ For “Effective from,” select “June 1, 2024” or earlier if you are registering the same household spouse who is eligible for the fixed income tax reduction.
Please note that if the “Effective from” is set after June 2, 2024, the system will not determine the monthly tax reduction for the fixed income tax reduction.
⑤ For “Relation”, select “Spouse” or “Husband” and “Wife”, whichever applies.
“Partner” is not applicable to a spouse of the same household.
⑥ Enter the required fields marked with (*) in the entry field as you would in a normal family registration.
Required fields vary depending on your company's settings.
⑦ When “Relation” is selected as “Spouse,” “Wife,” or “Husband” in ⑤, the “Is this spouse a member of the same household?” item will appear in the “Tax settings” section at the bottom of the screen.
The default is “No”.
⑧ Select “Yes” if your spouse falls under the “Is this spouse a member of the same household?”.
⑨ Click “Submit request”.
⑩ When your administrator approves the request, you can view the contents of the request on the “Family members” screen of “My Profile > Personal related” as shown in the figure above.
Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.
2024年 定額減税にかかる同一生計配偶者の判定登録
For more information on “Summary of how fixed tax reductions are processed”, please click here.
Summary of how fixed tax reductions are processed