With the February 22, 2023 release, the location of the Parental leave (including Paternity leave) and Long-term leave screen has changed.
How to register for maternity/child-care/paternity leave
■Maternity leave
■Child-care leave
■Paternity leave (system in effective from October 1, 2022)
How to register for long-term leave (nursing care leave, sick leave, unpaid leave, etc.)
Display of leave period
How to register for maternity/child-care/paternity leave
When an administrator registers an employee's maternity, child-care, or paternity leave (system in effective from October 1, 2022), please refer to the following instructions.
① Enter the employee ID or name of the employee to be registered and click "Search".
② Click on "Leave" - "Parental leave".
③ Click on "Add a parental leave".
■Maternity leave
① Click on "Maternity leave".
② Enter the expected birth date, leave start date and leave end date, last day in office, expected return date, etc.
③ Click "Save."
④ The "Status" will show "Approved".
⑤ Click "Return to list".
⑥ You can check the registered leave type, start and end dates, etc. on the list screen.
■Child-care leave
① Click on "Child-care leave".
② Enter the actual birth date, leave start date and leave end date, last day in office, expected return date, etc.
③ Click "Save.
④ The "Status" will show "Approved".
⑤ Click "Return to list".
⑥ You can check the registered leave type, start and end dates, etc. on the list screen.
■Paternity leave (system in effective from October 1, 2022)
① Click "Add paternity leave."
② Enter the expected birth date, leave start date and leave end date, last day in office, expected return date, etc.
③ Click "Save.
Paternity leave is the system that allows employees to take up to four weeks during the first eight weeks of their child's life.
Instead of taking four consecutive weeks at a time, employees may register up to two separate times (e.g., one week for the first time and three weeks for the second time).
④ The "Status" will show "Approved".
⑤ Click "Return to list".
⑥ You can check the registered leave type, start and end dates, etc. on the list screen.
Paternity leave is a child-care leave system to be taken up to 8 weeks after the birth of the child. Therefore, if you try to save the "Leave start date" as a date that is more than 8 weeks after the "Expected birth date," the following message will appear and you will not be able to register.
How to register for long-term leave (nursing care leave, sick leave, unpaid leave, etc.)
When an administrator registers long-term leave, please refer to the following instructions.
① Enter the employee ID or name of the employee to be registered and click "Search".
② Click on "Leave" - "Long-term leave".
③ Click on "Add a long-term leave".
④ Click leave type name.
⑤ Enter the start date and end date, last day in office, expected return date, etc.
⑥ Click "Save.
⑦ The "Status" will show "Approved".
⑧ Click "Return to list".
⑨ You can check the registered leave type, start and end dates, etc. on the list screen.
Display of leave period
During the applicable leave period, "This employee is on parental leave (or on long-term leave)" will be displayed.
The name of the leave type is also displayed in the upper right corner.
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