Change in employee's salary amount

Note: This article is about the changes for release on October 28, 2023.
Regardless of whether there is a change in employment conditions or not, please follow the steps below to register any changes in the employee's salary, such as a raise.

 Enter the employee ID or name (Kanji/Katakana/English) of the employee whose salary amount are to be changed. Then search.

Click on "Settings > Salary."

Click on "Add salary only" or "Add salary and fixed overtime.
Note: The "Add salary and fixed overtime" may be displayed by pre-setting.

■"Add salary only"
■"Add salary and fixed overtime"

■"Add salary only"

Set the effective start date of the amount to be changed from the calendar.
Enter the monthly base salary to be changed.
Click "Save".

If the registered salary start date is tomorrow or later, it will appear in the "Future salaries" section at the bottom.

■"Add salary and fixed overtime"

Note: This is a setup for calculating a pre-set monthly allowance from base salary for employee types with deemed overtime, etc. Pre-setting is required for use.

Set the effective start date of the amount to be changed from the calendar.
Enter the total compensation amount to be changed. Click on "Calculate fixed overtime amounts."
The amount is reflected in the "Base salary" and (pre-set) monthly allowance from the amount entered in .
Click "Save".


【Previous salary settings】

Salary setting history prior to today (same location as above) will be displayed in the "Salary history".


If Employment conditions or Salary amount also change, see
Change of Employment Conditions
Adding or changing an employee's monthly allowances or deductions

Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.



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