Year-End Tax Adjustment inquiries 【For administrators】-Employee direct (outbound only) Off

Use the Workcloud “Support tickets” menu for administrators to manage inquires to and from your employees.

ADMINS [Year end tax] - [Support tickets]


【Checking inquiries】
When a new inquiry ticket is created, number of tickets will be updated by status in the ALL YEAR END TAX SUPPORT TICKETS page.


【Send inquiries to your employees from HR】
① From the ALL YEAR END TAX SUPPORT TICKETS screen, click on “Add an inquiry.”
② Use the text box next to it to enter the name or ID number of the employee you wish to send an inquiry to. The box will display the candidate that matches your entry. Click on the employee shown. Create an inquiry window will be displayed.

③ In the Create an inquiry window, you can choose the language (Japanese or English) of the message.
④ Type in the Subject. Use the “Message text” box to type in your message to the employee.
⑤ You can attach files if needed by clicking “ファイル選択 (Select file).”
⑥ Click “Send now” to send the inquire message to the employee.


【Respond to the employee's reply】
① Click “Open(HR).”

② Select the reply you received from the employee.
③ Type your reply to the employee’s answer.
④ Select “Reply to employee” from the Action options.
⑤ Click on:   “Send” to send the message to the employee.
                      “Send and close” to send message and close the inquiry ticket.
                      “Close” to close the inquiry ticket without sending any message.

⑥ If you select the action "Reply to employee" and send it, the status will move from "Open (HR)" to "Open (empl)".
Note: If you send the message with "Send and close" or "Close", the status will move to "Closed".

⑦ You can see the reply history at the bottom of the target inquiry.
Note: If you would like to add a note once you have replied, please type in the content and send it using "Action: Additional comment to employee".


【Add a comment to the inquiry sent by the vendor to the employee】
① Click “Employee direct”.

② Select the inquiry you want to add a comment.
③ Type the message to be added.
④ Select the action "Additional comment to employee".
⑤ Click "Send".

<Action “Create admin-only note”>
If you want to register notes, select the action "Create admin-only note" and send it.
To send a formal reply, select the action "Reply to employee" when in the "Open (HR)" column, or "Additional comment to employee " in all other cases.
Note: The notes you have created can be viewed at the bottom.


Create templates for inquiries and replies
It is possible to register in advance "frequently used sentences" that can be used when creating and responding to inquiries (optional).

① Click [Year end tax] in the "Admins".
② Click "Support tickets" - "Support ticket snippets".

③ Click “Add new”.

④ Type the "Template name" and " Template message".
Note: The "Template name " is also used as the title when you search for message template, such as when you create a inquiry.
⑤ Click “Save”.

⑥ Once registered, it will be displayed as shown below.

To use when creating an inquiry
If you select one of the "Available message templates" in the upper right corner of the inquiry creation screen and click on it, it will be reflected in the subject and message text.mceclip16.png


■To use when replying
You can also use message templates when replying to employees.

① Select the inquiry to be replied.
② Click the "Select reply from templates" icon.

③ Select the subject of the message template you want to use.
④ It will be reflected in the reply field on the right.
Note: The "template name" of the message template will not be reflected, only the "template message" of the message template.


*Questions regarding the system should be sent by clicking the green “?” mark showing at the bottom right corner of your screen.mceclip19.png




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