Confirmation of spouse / family information
9. Spouse information
9-1 Spouse information (this year)
If your spouse is a tax deductible for this year
9-2 Spouse information (next year)
10. Dependents information
Deductible dependent is non resident
Non residents between the ages of 30 and 70
9. Spouse information
The registered spouse information will be reflected before the YTA Wizard starts. (up to that point for those who have made changes in the "Personal information" page of the wizard)
Please carefully read the contents showing on your wizard screen and register your spouse's information and any changes needed for year end tax calculation.
If your spouse or dependent has passed away , don't delete or do anything else. And after year-end adjustment has been completed in this year, click "Request deletion" from the Spouse and Dependents section for next year.
9-1 Spouse information (this year)
■No spouse
(Example1) Those with neither spouse nor dependents
(Example2) Those who have no spouse, but have dependents
(Example1) Those with neither spouse nor dependents
Select “No, I have no spouse or dependents.” then click “Next” to proceed.
→ Please go to step 11. Digital insurance records
(Example2) Those who have no spouse, but have dependents
Select “No, I have no spouse, but I do have dependents.” then click “Next” to proceed.
→ Please go to step 10. Dependents information
■For those with spouse
For those with spouse, the subsequent pages to be displayed will depend on your “Marital status,” “Registered spouse information,” and “Your income.”
Please carefully read the contents showing on your wizard screen, select the fields that apply to you and proceed with the wizard.
If you have a registered spouse, the following process is used to verify your spouse's information. If you do not have a registered spouse, register your spouse first and then check your spouse's information.
(Example3) Those who have registered as spouse
(Example4) Marital status "Married" and not registered as a spouse. Those who want to make their spouse a tax deductible
(Example5) Those with marital status "Never married" who are married and register as a spouse for tax deductible
(Example3) Those who have registered as spouse
In the below screen, select the option that applies to you, then click “Next” to proceed.
If you selected "Yes, set my spouse as tax deductible for this year," please refer to "If your spouse is a tax deductible for this year."
(Example4) Marital status "Married" and not registered as a spouse. Those who want to make their spouse a tax deductible
You need to register your spouse.
Select “Yes, add my spouse now and set as tax deductible for this year,” then click “Next”.
Then enter the required spouse information (see below screen), then click “Submit changes.”
Note: If you do not know your spouse's My Number Tax ID, you may leave it blank.
[Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings]
When you are a new addition in the YTA wizard, the Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings are both set at "Yes" .
In the case of "Social insurance dependent: Yes / Tax dependent: No" or "Social insurance dependent: No / Tax dependent: Yes," please contact your HR with your changes. We will then make the change after your HR or other department member contacts us.
If your spouse is a tax deductible for this year
If you have registered your spouse and made him or her tax eligible for this year, a confirmation screen will appear.
Refer whichever applies to you.
■Your spouse lives in Japan
■Your spouse lives outside of Japan (non-resident)
Your spouse lives in Japan
After confirming, click "Next.” If you need to make any corrections, click "Edit" to correct the information.
Enter your spouse's income for the current year. Then, click “Next” to proceed.
Go to "9-2 Spouse Information (Next Year).
Your spouse lives outside of Japan (non-resident)
You are required to submit “proof of family relationship” and “Proof of money transfer for this year.”
Click "Edit."
Note: If you have already attached an image or file of proof of family relationship before the YTA wizard starts, the image (file) is displayed.
Proof of family relationship
【Those who have already submitted it】
If there is no change in the already submitted proof of family relationship and the submitted file or image is displayed, select "Upload" for "Proof of family relationship" as it is. The currently valid proof will be declared as an uploaded document as it is.
If you do not view the file or image you have submitted and there are no changes to the documents you have submitted proof of the family relationship, please select "Have submitted to HR".
If you have made changes to your submitted proof of family relationship and wish to upload it, please select "Upload" and then "Choose File" to upload the new file. Select "Will submit to HR" if you are submitting in paper form. Please submit the form by attaching it to the printed evidence cover sheet from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard.
【Those who will submit it from now】
To upload a file or image, select "Upload" and upload the file or image from "Choose File". Select "Will submit to HR" if you are submitting in paper form. Please submit by attaching it to the evidence cover sheet printed from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard.
Proof of money transfer
You must submit (upload) it for this year.
Even if there is no change in the proof of family relationship, you are required to submit proof of money transfer each year for that year (this year is 2023).
If you select "Will submit to HR," you will be listed in the list of certifications when you print the evidence cover sheet from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard. Please attach the certification documents to that paper and submit it.
If you select "Proof of money transfer: upload" and upload more than one certificate, please go to "Add more files" to upload the second and subsequent certificates.
Click "Submit changes" at the bottom of the screen.
After confirming, click "Next.” If you need to make any corrections, click "Edit" to correct the information.
Enter your spouse's income for the current year. Then, click “Next” to proceed.
Go to "9-2 Spouse Information (Next Year).
(Example5) Those with marital status "Never married" who are married and register as a spouse for tax deductible
First, you need to register your spouse.
Select “Yes, I want to set my status to married and add my spouse as tax deductible this year,” then click “Next”.
On the next screen, register your spouse's information and click "Submit changes.
Note: To enter your spouse information, see (Example 4).
After completing the form, click "Next" and proceed to "9-2 Spouse information (next year)".
9-2 Spouse information (next year)
If you are declaring your spouse to be tax deductible for “next” year, on "SPOUSE INFORMATION (NEXT YEAR)" screen, select "Yes, set my spouse as tax deductible for next year". Then click "Next".
Enter your spouse’s projected income for next year.
If the income is expected to be the same as this year, click “Same as this year.”
You can also register your spouse’s projected income by clicking “Change income” and entering the required details.
* It is not possible to enter directly into the "Next year spouse predicted income" field.
When finished, click “Next.
Lastly, review the SPOUSE TAX DEDUCTION RESULTS then click “Next.”
10. Dependents information
First check the information of your dependents for this year, then check the information of your dependents for next year.
Please refer to one of the following
・Those who have no family dependents
・Those who add dependents because they are not yet registered
・Those who do not have dependents this year but plan to have them next year
・Those who have registered your family dependents
Those who have no family dependents
The "Dependents information" screen itself does not appear.
If you make a mistake under "Spouse information" and select "No, I have no spouse, but I do have dependents." this will be displayed.
If so, on the "Dependent information (this year)" page, check "No tax dependents" and select "Next. Click "Next" on the "Dependent information (next year)" page as it is.
Those who add dependents because they are not yet registered
Note: Even if you do not have a registered spouse, this screen will appear if you have selected "No, I have no spouse, but I do have dependents" in the "Spouse information" menu.
① On "Dependents information (this year)," check "Have tax dependents."
② Click on the "Submit a new family member" button.
③ Enter information for tax dependents.
* If you do not know their "My Number Tax ID" number, leave it blank.
④ Click on "Submit changes.
⑤ Click "Next."
⑥ The "Dependents information (next year)" screen will appear. If you plan to keep the same information entered in "Dependents Information (this year)" page next year, click "Next".
If you plan to change from this year, change the information from the "Edit" screen and click "Submit changes". Then click "Next."
Note: If the deductible dependent is a non resident, refer also "Deductible dependent is non resident" and "Non residents between the ages of 30 and 70".
[Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings]
When you are a new addition in the YTA wizard, the Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings are both set at "Yes" .
In the case of "Social insurance dependent: Yes / Tax dependent: No" or "Social insurance dependent: No / Tax dependent: Yes," please contact your HR with your changes. We will then make the change after your HR or other department member contacts us.
Those who do not have dependents this year but plan to have them next year
① On "Dependents information (this year)," check "No tax dependents."
② Click "Next."
③ The "Dependents information (next year)" screen will appear. Click "Submit a new tax dependent.
④ Enter information for tax dependents.
* If you do not know their "My Number Tax ID" number, leave it blank.
⑤ Click on "Submit changes.
⑥ Click "Next."
Note: If the deductible dependent is a non resident, refer also "Deductible dependent is non resident" and "Non residents between the ages of 30 and 70".
[Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings]
When you are a new addition in the YTA wizard, the Social insurance dependent and Tax dependent settings are both set at "Yes" .
In the case of "Social insurance dependent: Yes / Tax dependent: No" or "Social insurance dependent: No / Tax dependent: Yes," please contact your HR with your changes. We will then make the change after your HR or other department member contacts us.
Those who have registered their family dependents
Note: If your dependents live abroad, please also refer to "Deductible dependent is non resident" in the lower section.
① On "Dependents information (this year)," check the information of your dependents for this year and if there are no changes, click "Next.
If you need to make any changes to your dependents' information this year, please do so from the "Edit" screen.
When adding a family dependent, click "Submit a new family member" button to register your dependents' information and click "Submit changes". After that, click "Next."
[Edit screen]
Select "Yes" to change to tax deductible. Enter other information and click "Submit changes".
② The "Dependents information (next year)" screen will appear. If you plan to remain the same next year, click "Next".
If you plan to change from this year, change the information from the "Edit" screen and click "Submit changes". Then click "Next."
Deductible dependent is non resident
You are required to submit “proof of family relationship” and “Proof of money transfer for this year.”
Even if you have already submitted both last year, you need to submit proof of money transfer for this year (2023). Please attach it on the "Dependents information (this year)" edit screen.
① On "Dependents information (this year)," click "Edit.
② Set the Proof of family relationship and Proof of money transfer fields.
Proof of family relationship
【Those who have already submitted it】
If there is no change in the already submitted proof of family relationship and the submitted file or image is displayed, select "Upload" for "Proof of family relationship" as it is. The currently valid proof will be declared as an uploaded document as it is.
If you do not view the file or image you have submitted and there are no changes to the documents you have submitted proof of the family relationship, please select "Have submitted to HR".
If you have made changes to your submitted proof of family relationship and wish to upload it, please select "Upload" and then "Choose File" to upload the new file. Select "Will submit to HR" if you are submitting in paper form. Please submit the form by attaching it to the printed evidence cover sheet from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard.
【Those who will submit it from now】
To upload a file or image, select "Upload" and upload the file or image from "Choose File". Select "Will submit to HR" if you are submitting in paper form. Please submit by attaching it to the evidence cover sheet printed from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard.
Proof of money transfer
You must submit (upload) it for this year.
Even if there is no change in the proof of family relationship, you are required to submit proof of money transfer each year for that year (this year is 2023).
If you select "Will submit to HR," you will be listed in the list of certifications when you print the evidence cover sheet from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard. Please attach the certification documents to that paper and submit it.
If you select "Proof of money transfer: upload" and upload more than one certificate, please go to "Add more files" to upload the second and subsequent certificates.
③ Click on "Submit changes. Then click "Next" to confirm "Dependent information (next year)".
Non residents between the ages of 30 and 70
Non residents between the ages of 30 and 70 are, in principle, not be eligible for tax deduction from 2023.
Please check if he (she) is eligible for the tax deduction from the "Dependent information (this year)" and "Dependent information (next year)" edit screens.
Note: If he (or she) meets any of the following conditions, he (or she) is eligible for the deduction as before.
・No longer have a domicile or residence in Japan due to studying abroad
・Disabled person
・Received more than 380,000 payments to cover living expenses or educational expenses in the year from a resident who would be eligible for the tax deductible.
① Click "Edit" under "Dependent information (this year).
② Set the Proof of family relationship and Proof of money transfer fields.
If you have selected "Will submit to HR," these will also be listed in the list of certifications when you download the evidence cover page from the "Print forms" menu at the end of the wizard. Please submit the certificate documents on the evidence cover page.
Notes: If there are no changes in the already submitted proof of family relationship documents, select "Have submitted to HR." Please submit (or upload) only the proof of money transfer for this year. Proof of money transfer must be submitted (or uploaded) every year for the current year.
If you select "Proof of money transfer: upload" and upload more than one certificate, please go to "Add more files" to upload the second and subsequent certificates.
③ If the answer is "yes" to questions "Studying overseas," change to "Yes."
If the answer is "Do you intend to send 380,000 JPY or more to this dependent?," change to "Yes." Select "Yes" even if you have already send more than 380,000 JPY.
Please specify if he (or she) is eligible for the "Disability exemption.
④ Click "Submit changes." Then click "Next."
⑤ Click "Edit" under "Dependent information (next year).
⑥ Select "Proof of money transfer: Upload" and upload this year's proof of money transfer. If you have more than one, click "Add more files" to upload them.
⑦ Click "Submit changes."
Then click "Next" to proceed to "Digital insurance records".
Next "④Confirmation of insurance and other deductions". Click here.
To return to the previous page, "②Confirmation of your personal information", click here.
Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.