Collecting and Storing My Number Tax ID with Workcloud 【For Administrator】

In Workcloud, there is a screen where employees can register the My Number information of them and their family members.
Decide in advance how company will store the My Number and set the rules before you start using it.

1. Setup the company rules 
2. Send request to employees to enter My Number 
3. Confirmation and Approval (Rejection) of My Number
4. Management of My Number access history 

1. Setup the company rules 

The first step is to set up how company administrators want to confirm and store employee’s My Number. 

Click the ADMINS [Manage employees].
 Click [HR] – [My number].

③ Read the "How to handle My Number Tax ID numbers" and decide how to collect and store it.
Note: The hint screen may not be displayed depending on the setting.

④ Click "(change)" under "My Number verification status list.

⑤ Click "Edit" on "My Number Tax ID settings ".

Select the method you want to use from the pull-down menu under "My Number Tax ID confirmation / storage method".
For the other settings, select either Off or On.
Note: If "Show My Number in tax forms: On" is selected, My Number will be filled when you download Dependents tax.

⑦ Click "Save".


2. Send request to employees to enter My Number 

The next step is to send emails to employees requesting them to enter My Number information.

Switch to the "Employees" tab.

② Make sure the message "Send only to selected employees" is displayed.
③ Select the employee to whom you want to send the My Number input request e-mail.
④ Click “Send request”.

③ Confirm the message and click "Yes". An input request email will be sent to the target employee.

3. Confirmation and Approval (Rejection) of My Number

Company administrators approve (or reject) the requests received from employees.
Note: Only admins and HR managers who are also authorized as "My Number Manager" can approve.

① You will receive an email from the employee notifying you of the My Number approval request. Click on "View details.

② After confirming the contents, click the "Approve" button.
Note: To request a correction, click the "Reject" button.
You can also enter your comments (e.g. reasons for rejection) in the “Admin-only notes”.

③ Confirm the message and click "Yes".

■Confirmation the approval status of My Number
Company administrators can confirm the approval status of My Number by going to ADMINS [Manage employees] - [HR] - [My Number].
Note: This is the same as the screen for "2. Send request to employees to enter My Number <Admin>”.


4. Management of My Number access history 

At the bottom of each employee's My Number screen, Company administrators can confirm the viewing history of their My Number.

You can download entire access history as a PDF file by clicking on "View entire access history”.


Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.

For input on the employee side, please click here.
Registering My Number in Workcloud 【For employees】

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