9.Work history (It may not be displayed)
10.Educational records (It may not be displayed)
11.Certifications (It may not be displayed)
9.Work history (It may not be displayed)
Add your work history.
・If you have no work history
① Select "No Employment records." If you check the box here, "Information updated" will be displayed and check will appear in the Work history section of the left menu.
② Click "Next."
・If you have work history
① Click "Add new" or "Add a new employment record".
② Enter your previous work record.
③ Click "Save." To register multiple companies, repeat the process from ① to register additional companies.
④ Click "Next."
10.Educational records (It may not be displayed)
Enter your educational records.
・To register your educational records
① Click "Add new."
② Register your educational record information. Fill in the fields as necessary.
If you select "Yes" for "Have school awards," a field for Degree name, Major, and Grade will be added.
You may also attach images of diplomas, certificates of completion, etc.
③ Click "Save."
④ Click "Next."
・Not to register your educational records
If you click "Next" without registering from "Add New", the left menu will not have a check mark for completed registration.
11.Certifications (It may not be displayed)
Enter your certifications.
・If you have no certification
① Select "No certifications." If you check the box here, "Information updated" will be displayed and the check will appear in the left menu under Certifications.
② Click "Next."
・If you have certification
① Click "Add new" or "Add a new certification record".
② Register your certification according to the items.
③ Click "Save." To register multiple certifications, repeat the process from ① to register additional certifications.
④ Click "Next."
・Next "④Commute allowance, bank accounts, social insurance, income tax, unemployment insurance". Click here.
・Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.
「オンボーディングの入力 ③職歴、学歴、資格、ライセンス」