Use "Team common check in/out page" (For store managers)

The "Team common check in/out page" is a function that allows multiple employees to check in/out using a common check in/out screen.
Employees do not log in to Workcloud, but enter their own PIN numbers from the common check in/out screen.
This feature is suitable for cases where multiple employees use the same PC or tablet, such as in retail stores.

1.Advance preparation (Before using "Team common check in/out page”)
2.Usual Use
  Employee working state
  Staff timesheets set for limited imprinting on the "Team common check in/out page"


1.Advance preparation (Before using "Team common check in/out page”)

To make sure that the team common check in/out page is always readily available, you are required to add that screen in advance to your bookmarks ("Favorites" for Edge) for PC and to your home screen for tablet.

■Common to PC and tablet

① (After logging in) Click on SUPERVISORS [My teams] in the menu on the left side.

② Check your team (store) name and click on "Check in/out page".

Select from the list the "company location" where this PC (or tablet) will be used.
If a staff member's checking in/out is limited to the team common check in/out page, the location name will appear in the "Check in (out) type" field of the staff member's timesheet screen when the staff member uses this PC (or tablet) to check in/out.

Click on "Start team time tracking."

⑤ Read the message and click "OK.

⑥ Your team (store's) employees name will be displayed. Leave this screen as it is and add it to your bookmarks ("Favorites" for Edge) if you are using a PC or to your home screen if you are using a tablet.
The method of adding varies for PC, iPad, and Android.

■For PC


⑦ Add it to your bookmarks ("Favorites" for Edge) in the browser you use.

⑧ Workcloud" will be added to your bookmarks ("Favorites" in Edge).
From the next time onward, simply select this "Workcloud" from your bookmarks (or favorites) without going through your login screen and "Team common check in/out page" will appear.

■For iPad


⑦ Tap on the share icon on the top right of the screen.

⑧ Scroll down and tap on the “Add to home screen” item.

⑨ Enter “Workcloud” as the app name.
⑩ Tap “Add”.

⑪ A new Workcloud icon will appear on your iPad home screen.
Tap this icon to confirm that the "Team common check in/out page" appears.
If you are asked to log in, please log in again to open the "Team common check in/out page".

Notes: When changing to a new iPad, delete the Workcloud icon saved on the Home screen of the iPad you have been using.
Set it up again on the new iPad using the steps above.

■For Android tablet

⑦ Tap the icon with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen.


⑧ Scroll down and tap on the ”Add to home screen” item.

⑨ Enter “Workcloud” as the app name.
⑩ Tap “Add”.

⑪ A new Workcloud icon will appear on your Android tablet home screen.
Tap this icon to confirm that the "Team common check in/out page" appears.
If you are asked to log in, please log in again to open the "Team common check in/out page".

Notes: When changing to a new Android tablet, delete the Workcloud icon saved on the Home screen of the Android tablet you have been using.
Set it up again on the new Android tablet using the steps above.


2.Usual Use

Already added to your bookmarks (or favorites) with "1.Advance preparation”.

Select "Workcloud" from your bookmarks (or favorites). "Team common check in/out page" will appear.

After this, each employee clicks his/her own icon and enters the "tablet time entry PIN number" to log in and check in/out.

Not added to bookmarks (or favorites)

Do steps ① through ④ in "1.Advance preparation”. "Team common check in/out page" will appear.


Employee working state

Their work states today are indicated by states and the color of the frame.

Checked in (Green frame)

When employees who have checked in or finished his/her break and has not yet checked out, "Checked in" will be displayed.
The time displayed is the time when the employees who have not taken a break starts work. For employees who took a break, the time shown is the time when the break ended.

On break (Orange frame)* Cases in which break time tracking is required by company regulations

"On break" is displayed to employees who have not yet done "End break" after the start of break.
The time displayed is the time the break started.

Not in yet (Grey frame)

"Not in yet" is displayed to employees who have not yet checked in for work today.

Checked out (Grey frame)

"Checked out" is displayed to employees who have worked today and have already checked out.
The time displayed is the time they checked out.

Paid vacation or special holiday name (Yellow frame)

"Paid vacation (or special holiday name)" is displayed for employees take paid vacation (or special holiday) today.


Staff timesheets set for limited imprinting on the "Team common check in/out page"

On the timesheet screen of a staff member who is restricted by the company admin or HR manager to the "team common check in/out page" for checking in and out (including breaks), the "Time entries method and company location" and each date column will indicate whether his/her time is from the "team common check in/out page" or manually entered from the timesheet screen.

How to view

Click on SUPERVISORS [My teams].
Click on the "Timesheets" of the staff member you wish to view.
*If you are not the approver of the subject staff member, his/her name will not appear on this screen.

The staff timesheet screen will appear.



■Close "Team common check in/out page"

To close the "Team common check in/out page", click (or tap on the tablet) on "Login" in the upper right corner of the screen.
You will be returned to the login screen.


■View other teams (stores)

Click on the team name (or tap on it if you are on a tablet) and select the name of another team (store) and you will see the other teams (stores).
Note: If the "Team common check in/out page" is not used in other teams (stores), there is no display switching for other teams (stores).


■Change display language

To switch to the Japanese display, click on "日本語" (or tap on it if you are using a tablet).
Note: The order is different when displayed in English and when displayed in Japanese.

To return to the English display after switching to the Japanese display, click on "English" ("tap" on a tablet).


※※The "Team common check in/out page" is not displayed※※

Please open the "Team common check in/out page" after the store manager or supervisor logs in again.


・Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.

・Please click here to see how to prepare and use the system for employees to check in/out.
    Use "Team common check in/out page" [For employees]




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