Substitute work request(work on holidays)

A "Substitute work (振替休日)" is a day off that has been previously designated as a working day, but is replaced by another working day.
The "Substitute work" is not considered holiday work, and therefore does not incur extra pay.
(The name used depends on the company.)
For example, if you work on Sunday and switch Fridays the following week, Sunday becomes a work day. Friday becomes a legal holiday.

In Workcloud, you need to request in advance both the day you will work on a holiday and an alternative day off.
Note: You can modify it yourself until the timesheet for that month is locked.

Substitute work request (Work on holidays)

To cancel
 ■Before approval (Pending)
 ■After approval
To change

Substitute work request (Work on holidays)

Click on "Leave requests."
② Click on "Request time off."

Select "Substitute work" from the pull-down menu.
④ Select the time unit from "Full-day", "AM Half-day", or "PM Half-day".
    *Depending on your company settings, you may only be able to select "Full-day".
Click on the substitute workday from the calendar.
⑥ Click on the substitute holiday from the calendar.
⑦ Enter "Notes on this request" if required by your company's settings.
⑧ Click on "Send request."

The contents of the request will be displayed.
    Confirm and click "Yes.

The request history can be confirmed on the same page.
When substitute work request is approved, status will be changed from "Pending" to "Approved " and you will receive an e-mail notification.
The "resend" button sends the same request again.


To cancel

■Before approval (Pending)

Note: Substitute workday and holiday are set.

Click "cancel" for the corresponding request from "Time off history for 202X".

Read the message and click "Yes".
③ When the cancellation is completed, the corresponding request will be deleted from the "Time off history for 202X".

■After approval

Note: Substitute workday and holiday are set.

Click "cancel" for the corresponding request from "Time off history for 202X".

Read the message and click "Yes".

③ The message "Cancellation requested" will be displayed, and when approved, the message will change to "Cancelled".


To change

After approval you may make changes. If you need to make changes before approval, please cancel your request. After that, please make a new request with the substitute workday and the substitute holiday.
Note: Substitute workday and holiday are set.

Click "change" for the corresponding request from "Time off history for 202X".

Select the date after the change under "Substitute work" or "Substitute holiday.
   Substitute work: November 18, 2023  Substitute holiday: November 24, 2023
→Substitute work: November 23, 2023  Substitute holiday: November 27, 2023
Enter any necessary changes to the Notes.

Click on "Request approval."

The changed request details will be displayed in "Time off history" and the request will be "Pending" with the changed details.


Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.

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