Compensation holidays request(work on holidays)

Open page to "Leave requests". Click "Request time off".

*In order to apply for a compensation holiday, a "compensation Holiday Work" application and approval is required in advance.


Day off work (Compensation holiday work ) will be requested from "Leave request" of the employee function.

(1) Select "Compensation Holiday Work" from the pull-down menu.

(2) Select the time unit.

(3) Click on the calendar for the day you wish to work on a holiday.

(4) Click "Send request".


You will receive an email notification when your application is approved.

You will not be able to enter time on the timesheet until it is approved.

To access the Compensation holidays Management screen, click on the tab "Compensation holidays" at the top of the screen. Please click here for more information on compensation holidays.


Compensation holidays can be taken by registering time off work(Compensation holidays work) on the time sheet.


To take (use) compensation holidays, apply for it from "Leave request" screen.

(1) Select "Compensation holidays" from the pull-down menu.

(2) Select the unit of time.

(3)Click the calendar for the date you wish to take compensation leave.

(4)Click the "Send request".


You will receive an email notification when your application is approved.


Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.

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