To register special holiday other than annual paid holiday in a batch instead of registering it for each individual employee, please follow the procedure below.
Notes: With the December 4, 2023 release, there were changes to the template files used in this work. An error occurs when you import using a previously downloaded template file. Please download a new file and then do the following
1. Download template for input
2. Creating Template
[Register multiple special holidays for one employee]
3. Import data into Workcloud
4. Confirmation of imported data
[December 4, 2023 Release]Change import file and input method
1. Download template for input
① Click on ADMINS "Data import".
② Click on "Import all (master) data.
③ Click on "Download template with no data."
Specify the download location and click "Save".
④ Open the downloaded template and click "Enable Editing".
⑤ Retain the "Special holiday balances" and delete the other sheets.
⑥ A template for inputting only "Special holiday balances" has been created.
2. Creating Template
Create data in the template file downloaded in step 1.
■Confirmation of special holiday to be entered
Confirm the special holiday name you want to enter.
Refer to the "Company settings > Leave > Special holidays" screen.
Take a screenshot or note the name.
■Enter template
Enter each item required for import into the template.
① Enter the Employee ID, Name, Special holiday name, Allowance year, Allowance start and end dates and Max day count of special holiday, etc. for the eligible employee.
Note: If you are familiar with this, we recommend that you go to "Reports > All data download" for the employee ID, employee first and last name, and then copy and paste the three left columns of the "HR master".
② After all eligible employees have been entered, click "Save As...".
Be sure to select the format as ".xls".
③ Click "Save."
*If the compatibility check confirmation screen appears, click "Continue".
[Register multiple special holidays for one employee]
Multiple rows are required to register multiple Special holidays for one employee.
You will need as many rows as the number of Special holidays you wish to register for that employee, as shown above.
Please enter the details of each Special holiday on each row.
3. Import data into Workcloud
Import the file created in step 2 into Workcloud.
① Click on ADMINS "Data import".
② Click on "Import all (master) data.
③ Select the file you created in step 2.
④ Click "Upload."
⑤ The number of special holiday to be imported will be displayed (This is not the number of rows to be imported).
Confirm and click "Import".
⑥ After a few moments, the import is complete and the display switches to the one shown above.
4. Confirmation of imported data
You can view each employee's special holidays on the following screens.
■Report screen
You can view it from "Special holiday balances" under "Time off related" in the "ADMINS > Reports" screen. It can also be downloaded.
■Individual screen
You can also refer to it on the "Manage employees > Leave > Special holidays" screen of the eligible employee.
[December 4, 2023 Release]Change import file and input method
The specifications for this template file for Special holiday registration changed with the December 4, 2023 release.
You will not be able to use this sheet ("Special holiday balances" sheet) in files you downloaded prior to December 4, 2023.
Please download and use the new template file.
Prior to December 4, 2023, one row was used for registering multiple Special holidays for a single employee.
The first special holiday name was entered in "Special holiday name 1" and the details of the first special holiday were entered in the column to the right of the first special holiday name. The second special holiday name was entered in "Special holiday name 2" and the details of the second special holiday were entered in the column to the right of the second special holiday.
However, after December 4, 2023, if multiple special holidays are to be enrolled for a single employee, the number of rows must be as many as the number of special holidays required.
Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.