Register your company location (IP address)

Company admins can limit the locations where employees can check in and check out to the company location only.
If an employee registers a check-in/out from a location other than the registered company location, a request for approval will be sent to his/her supervisor.
If the IP address of the registered company location is not registered, a request for approval will be sent to the supervisor.

Time entry restrictions
 Ⅰ. Set only for company location
 Ⅱ. Registration of company location
Register multiple company locations

※※Only the location information is registered, and the IP address is registered by the company admins working at that location. ※※

Time entry restrictions

Ⅰ. Set only for company location

Click on ADMINS [Employee type settings].
Click on "Timesheets."

Click on the name of the employee type for which you want to restrict the location of the check-in and check-out entry.

④ Click on "Edit."

Specify "Entry restrictions" in the "Time entry restrictions" field to "Only in office".
Click on "Save."


Ⅱ. Registration of company location

Click on ADMINS [Company settings].
Click on "Company" - "Locations".

③ Click on the name of the location where you want to register the IP address.

④ Click on "Edit."

Enter details other than "Location name."
Click on "Save."

Click on "Manage IP addresses."

⑥ Click on the "+" under "Your current IP address."

⑦ Read the message and click "Yes".

IP address registration has been completed.
If an employee enters a check-in/out from a location (IP address) other than the registered location (IP address), a registration request notification will be sent to his/her supervisor.

Notes: If you wish to manually enter the IP address number you wish to register in or if you wish to enter multiple IP address numbers, enter the IP number in the "Manually add IP address" section and click "+". The procedure after that is the same.


Register multiple company locations

① Click on "Add a new location."

Enter details such as "Location name".
Specify "Default location?" Off.

Please select "Are you at this location now?" by referring to the following information.

Click on "Save."

The IP address registration after this is the same as the one after in the "Registration of Company location (IP Address)" section.


※※Only the location information is registered, and the IP address is registered by the company admins working at that location. ※※

After the company admin at the main office registers the location information, the company admin at that location registers the IP address using the following procedure.
(Example) Location name other than the main office where the IP address is registered: Marunouchi

Click on ADMINS [Company settings].
Click on "Company" - "Locations".

③ Select the location where the IP address shown in "Your current IP address is not registered" is to be registered.
*If the employee has already made a request to his/her supervisor by checking in/out at that location, you will see the IP address and the employee's name in the lower section of pending.
④ Click on "Register."

⑤ The IP address has been registered for the selected location name ("Marunouchi").


When an employee enters his/her check-in/out from the timesheet screen, his/her supervisor will not be notified of the IP address registration request, even if he/she is not at the company's location or at a company location with an unregistered IP.

【What is IP address?】
An IP address is a number automatically assigned by your Internet provider.

This number may change automatically depending on the terms of your Internet subscription. When this happens, you will need to re-register a new IP address.


Click here for the Japanese version of this manual.


■How to request for employees
Request for company location (IP address) registration for checking in/out

■Approval method for supervisors
Approval of company location (IP address) registration request for checking in/out

Have more questions? Submit a request


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